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2024 HANTEO Family Member No.: HF0049DBK001

[Signiert] Even the Stars Dream - K-pop Roman

[Signiert] Even the Stars Dream - K-pop Roman
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Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • 018M-0031
  • 9783492506656
Würdest du für die Liebe alles aufs Spiel setzen, wofür du jahrelang gekämpft hast? – Ein... more

Würdest du für die Liebe alles aufs Spiel setzen, wofür du jahrelang gekämpft hast? – Ein bittersüßer New-Adult-Roman über Glücksgefühle, Enttäuschungen und K-Pop Musik
Nach der Trennung seiner Band hat Sänger Jamie Hudson dem Musikbusiness abgeschworen. Deshalb sträubt er sich zunächst gegen die Idee seines Managers, einen Song mit der südkoreanischen K-Pop Band Get Over aufzunehmen. Denn die Koreaner verkörpern alles, was Jamie glaubt, verloren zu haben. Doch je näher er den Sänger Tae-joon kennenlernt, desto mehr bröckelt die Fassade des unnahbaren Musikers. Vor allem, als es zwischen ihm und Tae zu knistern beginnt, was nicht nur Jamies Leben gehörig auf den Kopf stellt. Denn auf einmal stehen beide vor der Frage, was wichtiger ist: ihre Karriere oder die Liebe.

»Das Buch wusste mich mit leisen Tönen und lauten Szenen gleichermaßen zu überzeugen. Besonders gut gefallen hat mir die Botschaft, dass man nicht Mann oder Frau liebt, sondern einen Menschen. Eine Botschaft, die für manche leichter im Alltag zu leben ist, als für andere – wie sich an Jamie und Tae-joon zeigt.« ((Leserstimme auf Netgalley))


Tae-joon: Als Leadsänger einer der erfolgreichsten K-Pop Bands Südkoreas, fällt es mir nicht immer leicht im Rampenlicht zu stehen. Denn die Konkurrenz im Musikbusiness ist groß, und wer nicht hart trainiert, wird es nie an die Spitze schaffen. Ich habe es geschafft. Mit meinen Freunden stehe ich als Mitglied von „Get Over“ täglich auf der Bühne, gebe Interviews und präsentiere mich vor den Fans als der Mann, den sie gerne in mir sehen und den das Management aus mir gemacht hat. In all den Jahren habe ich vergessen, wie es ist, ich selbst zu sein. Bis ich Jamie getroffen habe. Er hat mir gezeigt, dass ich viel mehr bin als das strahlende Idol. Er hat den wahren „Tae“ gesehen und mir durch seine Zuneigung endlich die Augen geöffnet. Durch ihn habe ich gelernt zu mir zu stehen und meine Gefühle frei zu äußern. Denn wirklich „frei“ bin ich nur in seinen Armen.

Jamie Hudson: Musik ist mein Leben. Seit ich denken kann, habe ich die Wünsche meiner Eltern, ignoriert und dafür gekämpft Musik machen zu können. Dann die große Überraschung: eins meiner Youtubevideos ging dank meiner berühmten Eltern viral, ich wurde bei einem Label unter Vertrag genommen und schließlich Leadsänger von Like We Used. Ich liebe es auf der Bühne zu stehen, kann das Adrenalin alleine bei dem Gedanken an die Schreie der Fans durch meinen Körper tanzen spüren. Die Welt war mein Zuhause. Die Band mein Leben. Klingt wie eine spitzen Vita, oder? Der amerikanische Traum … Doch dann hab ich alles verloren …

„Get Over“
Junsu „J-Su“ Kang, 20 Jahre: geboren in Sydney. Maknae und Gesicht der Band. Silbergraue Haare, blaue Augen (von seiner australischen Mutter geerbt), Zungenpiercing. Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper. Spricht perfekt Englisch. Bemerkt Tae-joons Gefühle für Jamie vor allen anderen.

Hyun „H“ Young, 23 Jahre: geboren in Seoul. Blaue Haare, braune Augen. Leader und ältestes Mitglied (Hat seinen Wehrdienst bereits vor dem Debüt geleistet). Rapper, Main Dancer.

Wonhee „Why“ Chan, 21 Jahre: geboren in Seoul. Er ist wenige Monate älter als Tae-joon. Pinke Haare, braune Augen. Main Dancer, Vocalist.

Minsoo Lee, 20 Jahre: geboren in Seoul. Er ist wenige Monate älter als Junsu. Bester Freund von Tae-joon. Rote Haare, braune Augen. Main Vocalist, unterstützt Tae-joon beim Gesang. Kann sehr schlecht Englisch sprechen.


Über die Autorinnen
Alex Parker, geboren 1992, ist in einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Stuttgart aufgewachsen. Nachdem sie am Bodensee Literatur, Kunst und Medien studiert hat und dabei ihrer Kreativität freien lauf lassen konnte, arbeitet sie nun im Verlagswesen. Seit 2015 ihr erster Roman erschien, haben sie die Geschichten nie wieder losgelassen.

Katharina B. Gross lebt und studierte im Ruhrgebiet, weshalb viele ihrer Romane in Essen und Umgebung angesiedelt sind. Die Liebe zum Schreiben entdeckte sie bereits in der Grundschule, doch bis sie einen Roman zu Papier brachte, dauerte es mehrere Jahre. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung in 2017 kann sie mit dem Schreiben nicht mehr aufhören.

2 Fragen an die Autorinnen

Katharina, warum gerade K-Pop in Verbindung mit Boys Love?
Seit einer ganzen Weile interessiere ich mich für das Thema Korea, K-Dramen und vor allem K-Pop Musik. Mich fasziniert die Musik sehr, und vor allem die Dynamik der Bandmitglieder und die Leidenschaft, die dahintersteht. Gerade die Thematik des Beziehungsverbots, die sehr aktuell im K-Pop Business herrscht, macht es reizvoll darüber zu schreiben. Außerdem ist das Subgenre Boys Love noch nicht so weit verbreitet, weshalb ich mich als Autorin gerade darauf spezialisiert habe. Ich liebe realistische und romantische Liebesgeschichten – und gerade queere Literatur verdient es gelesen und gesehen zu werden.

Anfang des Jahres warst du in Seoul, Alex. Ist es genau so, wie du es dir vorgestellt hast?
Schöner. Ganz ehrlich. Meine Erwartungen waren sehr hoch, doch ich wurde trotzdem überrascht. Natürlich kannte ich Seoul aus all den Dramen und Youtubevideos, die ich wie ein kleiner Schwamm aufsauge, dennoch ist das nichts dagegen, die Stadt und die Menschen in der Realität zu erleben. Die Kultur ist komplett anders bei uns. Obwohl Seoul eine große Metropole ist, war es dort irgendwie ruhiger. Beeindruckt hat mich neben der Landschaft, neben den Tempeln und neben der netten Menschen vor allem das Bewusstsein für Kultur. Beinahe jeden Tag gab es in der Stadt verschiedene Veranstaltungen, um den Menschen (egal ob Einheimischen oder Touristen) die Geschichte oder Kultur Koreas nahezubringen. So sind wir an einem Samstag zum Beispiel in eine traditionelle Hochzeit geplatzt oder haben mitten unter der Woche einen traditionellen Umzug miterlebt. Konnten sehen, wie früher Reis angebaut wurde oder saßen bei einem Picknickkonzert im Park.

  • Publisher: Piper Gefühlvoll
  • Language: German
  • Softcover: 438 pages
Dimensions (LxWxH): 18.6cm x 12cm x 3.9cm
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Frequently asked questions

Payment methods

In store

In store we accept your payments in cash, Maestro (EC), VISA, MasterCard, Diners, American Express, JCP and V-Pay.

Contactless paying is available and includes Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Online shop

We are offering multiple ways to pay in our shop like advanced payment via bank transfer, PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, SEPA payment, "Klarna Pay Later". We also offer EPS for shipping to Austria, iDEAL for shipping to the Netherlands and Przelewy24 for shipping to Poland. It is also possible to redeem a DAEBAK online voucher.


General information for the pre-order handling

If your order is a pre-order, please keep in mind that there can be longer delays until the order has been shipped. The official release date will be shown in the article description.

Please note that the mentioned release date corresponds to the release in Korea and starting from this date, you can expect an estimated delivery time of around 10 to 14 business days.

If your pre-order contains an already existing article, we will hold back the order until the order is complete, because we are not offering partial deliveries and your order will be shipped, once all articles are in stock.

If you need an article sooner, please make a separate order.

Which version of my ordered albums will be delivered to me?

Unless there is a specific detail mentioned in the article description, you can tell us your favoured version(s) during the order process by leaving us a note. If you are not specifying a version, we will choose the album(s) randomly. If an album is released in two or more versions and you intend to buy the two or more versions, we will automatically choose different versions and different posters (if there are multiple ones to choose from) for your order.

Is there a free poster in my pre-order?

Usually the pre-order contains some free goods like posters (folded) or the announced pre-order specials. We can't always guarantee the availability of all goods, so please keep this in mind.

Goods for a 2nd pre-order can vary!

Is my album a first press edition?

If you are ordering during the pre-order process, your album is guaranteed to be a first press. After the pre-order phase we cannot guarantee that the album is part of the first press. The manufacturer does not provide an indication on the box and we are unable to check the contents, because all albums are sealed.

Is there a photo card in my album?

Normally all first press editions contain a photo card but this also depends on the manufacturer and we can't interfere with this process. If you order during the pre-order phase, your album is guaranteed to be a first press but afterwards we can't guarantee if it is a first press. The manufacturer does not provide an indication on the box and we are unable to check the contents, because all albums are sealed.

Will my album purchases be counted towards the Hanteo charts?

Yes, all purchases will be included in the HANTEO charts. Reference: HANTEO CHARTS FAMILY No.: HF0049DBK001.

We are reporting our sales on a daily basis to HANTEO. All your purchases will support your favourite K-Pop artist.

HANTEO: Counts how many albums were purchased by individual customers. This will help your favourite K-Pop artist to win at music shows or other events in Korea.

Pre-Order contents

When we announce a pre-order, we list all the contents based on the information, provided by the entertainment.
Due to the fact that this information is pretty early, there can be changes until the release.
Unfortunately, the entertainments do not inform us about these changes and in rare cases, the contents of the pre-order can differ from the original information.

Due to this fact, we have no influence on the contents of the sealed product and therefore we cannot provide anything, the entertainment did not include in the product.

I am missing something in my album

Due to the production related processes at the entertainment, we don't have any way to verify the contents of the album, because we can't open the original packaging.

If there is something missing in your CD/DVD packaging, i.e. photocards/poster/booklets/etc, we can't provide you with a replacement.
Because the entertainments reserve the right to modify the album contents on short notice, we are unable to compensate for modified or removed contents.

What is Weverse Album / Platform/ YG Tag/ Poca/SMini Album?
„Weverse Album“ or Platform Album isn't a physical Album with a CD inside, as we know. A Weverse/Platform is a digital Album which can be used with an App or with scanning the QR-Code. Some platform albums, e.g. SMini, only work via NFC. Here it is important that your smartphone supports NFC. The only physical inclusions are different types of photocards and the album cover, which is called "Card Holder".
Which app do I need for Plaform (Digital) versions?

The common apps are minirecord, NEMOZ, Kihno, Smart Music Card, Pocaalbum. These can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.


Shipping time

We are shipping our packages via DHL to our customers in Germany and and all members of the European Union.

Shipping time after dispatch:

Country Shipping duration
Germany 2 – 3 business days
Other EU countries 5 – 10 business days


After your shipment has been processed, you will receive a notification with a tracking number via e-mail. This tracking number will allow you to check the whereabouts of your shipment. If there are any delays, we will notify you immediately.

Shipping cost

We charge 4,90 EUR for a regular shipment. If your order is above 70 EUR and destined for Germany, we will waive this fee.

Shipping cost for all other EU-countries is EUR 13,90.

If a shipment needs to be re-shipped due to a wrong address or too many delivery attempts, we have to charge you 9,80 EUR (Return fee to us 4,90 EUR and new shipment to you 4,90 EUR). For Austria and Poland the charge is 30€.

Pick-Up in store

You can always choose to pick up the package in our store. Just select “Pick up in store” during the order process. This will automatically remove the shipping cost of 4,90 EUR of orders below 70,00 EUR. If your order is a pre-order, we will send you an e-mail once the article is available for pick-up!

Please be aware that unpaid “Pick up orders” need to be picked up within 14 days after being notified, otherwise we will have to cancel the order!



If you don’t like the ordered item, you received the wrong item or you ordered the wrong size, we can take back the item if the seal of the item hasn’t been broken. You can return the item with 14 days after receiving and in accordance of our Terms of service and the right of rescission. The shipping cost for the return has to be paid by you.

How does it work?

Fill out the form for the return and send it to us via e-mail Please make a copy of the e-mail and put it into the package

 Please make sure that you pack the goods safely

 Keep the deadline for the rescission in mind and choose the delivery option accordingly

 Deliver the package to the next DHL shop for processing

 You can find the form for the return here:

Reclamation: Wrong items

If you received the wrong items, please contact us immediately via e-mail and provide us with a photo of your shipment. We will then provide you with a Return label without any charges.

How does it work?

Print out the e-mail correspondence and put it into the package

Please make sure the item is packed safely

Return the package to a DHL shop for processing

Reclamation: Damaged during transport

If the package was damaged during transport, please notify us immediately and send us pictures of the damaged items via e-mail .
As soon as we have checked the damages, we will contact you as soon as possible and provide you with further instructions. Usually the customer will have to take the package with all its contents and a DHL damage report to a DHL station as a damaged delivery.

Please note, that the damaged package needs to be at the DHL station within 7 days after receiving the receiving the package. DHL will then check the reclamation. This process can take up to 14 days. We ask for your understanding and we will notify about every change of the investigation.

I am missing something in my album

Due to the production related processes at the entertainment, we don't have any way to verify the contents of the album, because we can't open the original packaging.

If there is something missing in your CD/DVD packaging, i.e. photocards/poster/booklets/etc, we can't provide you with a replacement.
Because the entertainments reserve the right to modify the album contents on short notice, we are unable to compensate for modified or removed contents.


How can I redeem a voucher?

In the last step of the order “Payment & Shipping” you have the option to “Enter voucher code”. You can enter your voucher now and proceed with the pink arrow. If you don’t click on the button the voucher will not be redeem and the amount will not be deducted from your final amount.

Can I redeem my online voucher in your store?

Unfortunately, this is not possible because the online voucher is restricted for online purposes only! For the store we offer a separate voucher which can only be redeemed in the store.


Can I get a specific album version?

If there is no indication in the article description, you can notify us during the order process by leaving us a note. You can also send us an e-mail. We will check availability and consider your wish. If the version is not available, we will contact you.

Reasons why your order hasn’t been shipped!

We were unable to contact you, because your e-mail address was invalid and there was no phone number saved in your account.

We needed to clarify something regarding your order, because there were issues like incomplete shipping address and we haven’t received any response from you via e-mail.

Your order was cancelled, because the 7-day deadline for the payment had passed.

Our delivery partner DHL was unable to deliver the package to you, because you weren’t at home or there was an issue with your address.

You forgot to include the shipping cost in your transfer and we were unable to contact you via e-mail or phone, because no phone number was saved in your account.

Your order might contain already available products but there is at least one pre-order item included in your order and we are not offering partial deliveries.

All of these reasons are examples which are quite common. If you feel that your order is due and you are not aware of any problems, please contact us immediately via e-mail .

Is my album a first press edition?

If you are ordering during the pre-order process, your album is guaranteed to be a first press. After the pre-order phase we cannot guarantee that the album is part of the first press. The manufacturer does not provide an indication on the box and we are unable to check the contents, because all albums are sealed.

Is there a photo card in my album?

Normally all first press editions contain a photo card but this also depends on the manufacturer and we can't interfere with this process. If you order during the pre-order phase, your album is guaranteed to be a first press but afterwards we can't guarantee if it is a first press. The manufacturer does not provide an indication on the box and we are unable to check the contents, because all albums are sealed.

Will my album purchases be counted towards the Hanteo charts?

Yes, all purchases will be included in the HANTEO charts. Reference: HANTEO CHARTS FAMILY No.: HF0049DBK001.

We are reporting our sales on a daily basis to HANTEO. All your purchases will support your favourite K-Pop artist.

HANTEO: Counts how many albums were purchased by individual customers. This will help your favourite K-Pop artist to win at music shows or other events in Korea.

I am missing something in my album

Due to the production related processes at the entertainment, we don't have any way to verify the contents of the album, because we can't open the original packaging.

If there is something missing in your CD/DVD packaging, i.e. photocards/poster/booklets/etc, we can't provide you with a replacement.
Because the entertainments reserve the right to modify the album contents on short notice, we are unable to compensate for modified or removed contents.

What is Weverse Album / Platform/ YG Tag/ Poca/SMini Album?
„Weverse Album“ or Platform Album isn't a physical Album with a CD inside, as we know. A Weverse/Platform is a digital Album which can be used with an App or with scanning the QR-Code. Some platform albums, e.g. SMini, only work via NFC. Here it is important that your smartphone supports NFC. The only physical inclusions are different types of photocards and the album cover, which is called "Card Holder".
Which app do I need for Plaform (Digital) versions?

The common apps are minirecord, NEMOZ, Kihno, Smart Music Card, Pocaalbum. These can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Order status

In progress

This status means that the order has been completed and that we have received your payment. Unless it is a pre-order, you will receive a shipping notification soon.

Completely paid

This status means that we have received the payment for your order.

Clarification required

This means that there are some discrepancies which need immediate action. Please respond to our e-mail as soon as possible and provide us with the required information for your order.

Ready for pick up

This status means that your order is ready for pick up in our store. You will receive an e-mail shortly with the information that you have to pick up the order within 14 days.

Completely delivered

This status means that your shipment has been completed and handed over to DHL. You will receive an e-mail with tracking information, which can be tracked on

Partially delivered

This status means that your shipment has been shipped in parts. You will receive an additional e-mail with a tracking reference. Once your shipment is complete, you will receive an additional e-mail.
